Built Form Guidance title Category Movement Nature Built formForm is the three-dimensional shape and modelling of buildings and the spaces they define. Buildings and spaces can take many forms, depending upon their: size and shape in plan; height; bulk - their volume; massing - how bulk is shaped into a form; building lines - the alignment of building frontages along a street; and relationship to the plot boundary - and whether they share party walls or not. In the case of spaces, their form is influenced by the buildings around them. More IdentityThe identity or character of a place comes from the way that buildings, streets and spaces, landscape and infrastructure combine together and how people experience them. More Public space Uses Homes and buildings Resources Add search keywords Add RemoveKeywords help people to search the guidance databaseSelect the relevant area types for the guidance High rise city Town / city centre Industrial areas Business, science or retail parks Local centres Urban neighbourhood Suburbs Outer suburbs Villages Rural settlements Select the relevant public space objectives Creating street hierarchyCategorises street and roads according to their functions and capacities. More Defining public spaces with buildings Increasing social interaction in streets and spaces Enabling multi-functional streets Creating active and overlooked safe streets Increasing safety through street and space features Select the relevant built formForm is the three-dimensional shape and modelling of buildings and the spaces they define. Buildings and spaces can take many forms, depending upon their: size and shape in plan; height; bulk - their volume; massing - how bulk is shaped into a form; building lines - the alignment of building frontages along a street; and relationship to the plot boundary - and whether they share party walls or not. In the case of spaces, their form is influenced by the buildings around them. More objectives Creating a compact form of development Using density to support key services Separating public and private space Creating functional blocks Using infill sites to repair block structures Establishing and repairing building lines Utilizing building height to create identityThe identity or character of a place comes from the way that buildings, streets and spaces, landscape and infrastructure combine together and how people experience them. More and wayfindingBetter wayfinding means improving the ease with which people can navigate themselves to, from and within a place or development. More Upload main diagram or imageMax. file size: 15 MB.The guidanceWhy is this important?What is the recommended best practice?Provide links to other guidance Add RemoveUpload supporting documents Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 50 MB. Provide additional images Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 50 MB, Max. files: 4. Upload successful examples Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 50 MB. Upload 3D model