Chobham Manor, Stratford, London

PRP, Make, muf architecture/art for LLDC (Taylor Wimpey and L&Q)

Part of the London Legacy Development Corporation’s (LLDC) vision to transform part of the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in Stratford into a series of thriving new neighbourhoods, the Chobham Manor development comprises over 880 homes, a cafe, nursery, 1,500m2 of open space, and an extensive public realm. It is the first of five new neighbourhoods that will deliver 5,500 new homes and community facilities.


Taking cues from the street pattern of the former Athletes’ Village, the Chobham Manor homes are arranged in a recognisable grid of avenues and mews streets adjacent to a series of interconnected village ‘greens’. These form a linear garden spine permeating the development that directly links to the Olympic Park a short walk away.

