Compliance Report

Argyle Street Apartments and Health Centre


24 Argyle Street
Stretford M
Map It

Application status:

Full application

Application Number:


Landscape and Nature

LNL1: Trees: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

Explanation or Justification: There are no new trees proposed in the project and some retained mature landscape that has complied with the relevant design code. We feel this is valid justification for not providing new trees

LNL2: Boundaries and Edges: The proposed scheme complies with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

LNL3 Protecting Existing Landscape: The proposed scheme complies with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

LNL4: Drainage and SUDs: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

Explanation or Justification: The scheme does not adequately deal with the issue of drainage. The drainage consultants report (ref no. 2803289/FUL) confirms that there will not be sufficient drainage across the site and we feel this is a reason for refusal

LNL5: Biodiversity: The proposed scheme complies with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

LNL6: Gardens and Small Spaces: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

Explanation or Justification:

Streets and Public Realm

Street Design

SPSD1: Active travel and street hierarchy: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

Explanation or Justification:

SPSD2: Safe streets and attractive public realm: The proposed scheme complies with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

SPSD3: Futureproofing: The proposed scheme complies with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

SPSD4: Street trees, SUDS and landscaping: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

Explanation or Justification:

SPSD5: On-street parking: The proposed scheme complies with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

Public Realm

SPPR1: Safety and Security: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

Explanation or Justification:

SPPR2: Hostile vehicle mitigation: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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SPPR3: Wayfinding and legibility: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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SPPR4: Street furniture: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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SPPR4: Street furniture: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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SPPR6: Desire lines: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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SPPR7: Materials: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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SPPR8: Accessibility: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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SPPR9: Play and Recreation: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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Residential sites

Landscape led residential layouts

RSRL1:Landscape led: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

Explanation or Justification:

RSRL2: Context and identity: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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RSRL3: Sustainable urban drainage solutions: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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RSRL4: Active travel and street hierarchy: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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RSRL5: Urban greening factor: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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RSRL6: Landscape coding requirements: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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RSRL7: Development block layout: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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RSRL8: Vehicle parking: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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Visual Structure

RSVS1: Coherent rhythm and structure of streets: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

Explanation or Justification:

RSVS2: Variation: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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RSVS3: Define and enclose spaces with buildings: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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RSVS4: Views, vistas and landmarks: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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Type, Form and Profile

HTFP1: Relevance to context: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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HTFP2: Building line: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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HTFP3: Roof types informed by local context: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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HTFP4: Depth and articulation of facades: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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HTFP5: Porch and entrance articulation: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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Plan and Layout

HPL1: National space standards: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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HPL2: Internal living environment: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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HPL3: Dual aspect dwellings: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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HPL4: Provision of living spaces: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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HPL5: Floor to ceiling height: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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HPL6: External living environment: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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HPL7: Landscape strategy: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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HPL8: Separation distances: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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HPL9: Rear garden separation distances: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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HPL10: Bin storage: The proposed scheme does not comply with the best practice guidance set out in Design Code

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Permeable paving options