Project Details

67 tall streets
Householder application
6898 /ful

Form and Profile

Setting and Context Design Cues

Housing Types

The housing types included are:

Recessed and Projecting Elements

Roof Types

The housing roof types included are:

Plan and Layout

Dual Aspect Dwellings

Daylight Levels

Explanation how good levels of daylight, ventilation and privacy are provided to habitable rooms and the kitchen

Limiting Noise Transmittance

Description of any measures to mitigate noise transmittance included in the design:

Living Spaces

Working from Home

Internal Partitions

Cleaning and Maintenance


Building Regulations M4(2) Category 2

Building Regulations M4(2) Category 3

Accessible Footways

Accessible Parking

April 25, 2023

Permeable paving options