Location and

Scale and

Elevation Treatment

Tall Buildings

Scale and Massing


Tall building forms should be elegant and create positive features in the skyline. Their form, scale and massing must be carefully considered through detailed appraisal and testing including their visual impact on the setting, both individually and when part of a cluster.

Tall buildings must also consider their impact on the street environment and public spaces. Buildings that are too tall can visually overwhelm and cause unwanted side-effects, such as wind funnelling, overshadowing or trapping air pollution.



Examples of creating proportion and verticality

Vertical window openings

Vertical frame and columns

Vertical and horizontal proportions

Examples of tall building form and proportion



Principals of composition


Principals of activating ground floors with mix of uses

A variety of land uses can be used to activate ground floor and they should be mixed to ensure people activity throughout the day.

Offices and retail leisure units on bottom three floors. The first floor can overhang to create a covered collonade for certain uses.

Retail, cafes, restaurants or other leisure uses on bottom two floors of building with parking podium to rear


Offices on two ground floor levels with basement parking to allow access to rear communal area

Residential uses are possible on ground floor but should be set back to allow for private entrances and a space between public boundary


Daylight, sunlight, amenity and overshadowing

Principles of dual aspect towers

Internal corridor slab;  Apartment units in a  long horizontal shape building should have longest elevations facing south and place core or services on north elevation

Internal corridor tower; apartments with small floorspace can maximize dual aspect apartments and have core on northern elevation


Wind microclimate

Principles of wind microclimate

Consider how the impact of downdraught can be mitigated to reduce negative impact of high speeds at street level

Consider impact of moving wind around a curved building and how that can impact surrounding context

Tall building scale and massing case studies

ARC, Sydney

ARC, Sydney by Koichi Takada Architects for Crown Group Arc is made up of two 26-storey, 80-meter high towers. The mixed-useA well-integrated mix of different

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Egham Gateway

Egham Gateway master plan by Allford Monaham Morris Egham Gateway is a new mixed use development in the Runnymede borough of Surrey. Four mixed use

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Botanica Apartments

Botanica Apartments by Tim Groom Architects The site occupies a highly prominent location alongside the Bridgewater Way, a major arterial road running south west from

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Permeable paving options