The masterplan divides Trafford Wharfside into distinct CharacterCharacter includes all of the elements that go to make a place, how it looks and feels, its geography and landscape, its noises and smells, activity, people and businesses. This character should be understood as a starting point for all development. Character can be understood at three levels; the area type in which the site sits, its surroundings and the features of the site. Zones, reflecting on the different scale, characterCharacter includes all of the elements that go to make a place, how it looks and feels, its geography and landscape, its noises and smells, activity, people and businesses. This character should be understood as a starting point for all development. Character can be understood at three levels; the area type in which the site sits, its surroundings and the features of the site. and uses proposed within each zone. All five areas have a unique identityThe identity or character of a place comes from the way that buildings, streets and spaces, landscape and infrastructure combine together and how people experience them. – defined by key land forms, infrastructure networks, landmarks and historical context. The site-specific aims for each zone work in collaboration to provide a comprehensive masterplan that is anchored into Trafford.
Heritage Quarter
The Heritage Quarter is adjacent to Trafford Wharf, with the Manchester Ship Canal running along its north waterfront. The site is the bounded between Sir Alex Ferguson Way, Wharfside Way and Trafford Road, which includes the Bridgewater Canal running through the south of the site. The area contains several buildings for retention with significant architectural characterCharacter includes all of the elements that go to make a place, how it looks and feels, its geography and landscape, its noises and smells, activity, people and businesses. This character should be understood as a starting point for all development. Character can be understood at three levels; the area type in which the site sits, its surroundings and the features of the site. and heritage.
The Victoria Warehouse, alongside the Telephone Exchange, provide a unique industrial heritage to the site. There is potential to provide improved access and activity to the Bridgewater Canal along Victoria Quay with new improved public realm adjacent to Victoria Warehouse.
Case Studies
Inspiration Gallery
Trafford Wharf
Trafford Wharf is the north area of the site bordering the Manchester Ship Canal and bounded by Trafford Wharf Road to its south. The site represents the edge of Trafford Borough and overlooks Salford across the river, with key views of Media City UK and Salford Quays. The walkway along the waterfront is underwhelming and underused.
Case Studies
Inspiration Gallery
Wharfside Heart
The Wharfside Heart is the area to the core of the development, bordering onto each of the other characterCharacter includes all of the elements that go to make a place, how it looks and feels, its geography and landscape, its noises and smells, activity, people and businesses. This character should be understood as a starting point for all development. Character can be understood at three levels; the area type in which the site sits, its surroundings and the features of the site. areas. This zone therefore connects the site as a whole. This site will provide public realm including green space, children’s play and youth areas. Within the housing there will be further commercial amenities to ensure this is a mixed-useA well-integrated mix of different land uses which may include retail, employment, leisure and other service uses with decent homes of different types and tenures to support a range of household sizes, ages and incomes. development. There is area allocated for the potential of a new primary school and mobility hub to cater for the car parking needs of the site. A green corridor shall span the site from east to west to ensure this is landscape-led, green development.
Case Studies
Inspiration Gallery
Innovation Quarter
The Innovation Quarter is the western area of the Trafford Wharfside masterplan, bounded by Warren Bruce Road and Europa Way on its western edge. John Gilbert Way separates the Innovation Quarter from the Bridgewater Neighbourhood to the site south. Wharfside Way runs through the site from east to west, providing key access for industrial services.