Form and Profile

Plan and Layout


Elevation and Proportion

Balconies and Terraces

Materials and Detail

Boundaries, Servicing and Plant

Car and Bicycle Parking


Cars and Bicycle Parking


As a general rule development should seek to reduce the visual dominance of cars and other vehicles on the public realm and design out inconsiderate parking which affects streets in and around developments.


Bicycle parking must be located conveniently and planned to ensure easy access, encouraging day-to-day usage. It should feel secure giving cyclists confidence that their bicycle will still be there when they return and with good levels of natural surveillance to help users feel safe.

Features of apartment car and bicycle parking

  • Car parking should be screened where possible
  • Surface level car parking must be well-landscaped
  • Cycle parking must be provided in internal secure spaces


Courtyard parking

Example of courtyard parking with communal space on raised deck

Example of courtyard parking with communal space on raised deck
Providing a deck on top of courtyard parking can provide space for communal gardens. The deck can be designed to accommodate allotments, and low-level planting and trees. should be used where space allows on the ground floor. Ensure there is adequate distance, screening, and landscape between ground floor apartments and parking deck walls.

Example of courtyard parking on ground floor

Where courtyard parking is proposed, there must be sufficient space for private and communal space to be provided as per standards. Trees can be planted in the ground and sustainable drainage solutions can be utilized utilised in this arrangement.

Principles of courtyard parking

Electrical charging points

Provide electrical charging points on rear boundaries when cars parked behind ground floor apartments

Permeable surface materials

Use permeable paving for car parking surfaces whenever possible

Integrated landscape

To reduce the visual impact of parking and to provide rain gardens, landscape must be integrated alongside spaces



Example of undercroft parking

Where undercroft parking is appropriate, the parking area must not be exposed to public streets or spaces and instead there should be an active residential or commercial use on front boundary

Example of undercroft and deck parking

This example shows the hybrid use of an undercroft parking level and raised deck with private and communal open space above. This arrangement can provide large amounts of communal space and hide parking areas. Trees and SUDs can be used on ground floor areas where space permits.

Example of creating active frontages with different parking types

For all types of parking, it is critical that there is an active frontage facing public streets and spaces. This can be achieved with either residential or commercial uses, dependent on context



Example of basement parking with raised front platform

If basement parking is required it can provide for large amounts of parking but limits ability for trees and SUDs solutions aton ground floor level. Where basement parking levels protrude above existing ground level this can provide some privacy for ground floor public facing apartments. However, the raised area for ventilation vents should be hidden from view with landscapinge or other solutions. Where ground floor apartments are raised, ramps and handrails should be used instead of stairs which are not accessible for wheelchair users.


Cycle parking

Examples of cycle parking

Permeable paving options