Trafford Design Code

Density and Form

Portobello Square

Portobello Square, London by PRP Architects for Kensington Housing Trust (part of the Catalyst Housing Group) PRP was appointed by Catalyst Housing Ltd. for the redevelopment of the estate through a masterplan proposal to include up to 1,000 new homes with affordable dwellings making up over 50% of the total. The design objectives were to …

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Kings Crescent

Kings Crescent by Karakusevic Carson Architects and muf art/architecture Kings Crescent Estate in Stoke Newington, North London is a major estate renewal project which combines renovated council homes, new buildings and important civic uses within a people-focused public realm strategy. Designed in close collaboration with local people, the project forms a vital part of the …

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Timekeepers Square

by Buttress Architects for Muse Developments The development is located in the Adelphi/Bexley Square Conservation Area and the primary aim of the site was to reinstate the historic street pattern, re-introducing legibility to the streets and strengthen the area’s centrepiece, St Phillips Church. A mix of integrated car parking solutions mean the streets are car-free …

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Image shows the Roof Gardens Building in Manchester

The Roof Gardens

The Roof Gardens by Ollier Smurthwaite Architects for DeTrafford Estates. The perimeter block layout and back-to-back  dwellings delivers a site layout which responds to  the historic form of the  area. Three and four storey townhouses are placed next to each other giving the impression of a larger building which lines the street. The building is …

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Permeable paving options