
Boundary Treatment

Drainage and SUDs


Gardens, small spaces and public realm

Residential parking layouts

Industrial and commercial sheds

Maintenance and responsibilities

Landscape and Nature

Industrial and Commercial Sheds


The landscape-led approach advocated in this Code applies equally to the development of commercial and industrial buildings. This is particularly important for large scale commercial sheds. Their size, form, parking, servicing and lighting requirements make them difficult to assimilate into any environment.


Commercial and industrial site layouts

Landscape and Nature

Best Practice guidance for commercial and industrial landscape

As part of the landscape-led approach to the Design Code it is considered important to deliver well-designed and robust landscape in association with industrial and commercial units.

The drawings below illustrate best practice in relation to landscaping provision for industrial and commercial sheds. The drawings illustrate a number of different scenarios and the relationship to adjacent land uses to provide, dependent on context:


  • Effective screening or filtering of the built form
  • Streetscape planting to elevate the character of a place
  • Safeguarding of amenity
  • Biodiversity enhancement through the provision and linkage of green and blue networks
  • Sustainable Drainage solutions within each site.

Each site will have differing requirements, but all will be required to provide the necessary planting solutions to achieve the stated goal to suit the context and specific situation of each site.


The best practice illustrated in the plans, sections and tables below cover five different landscape scenarios. Trafford Design Code Landscape and Nature

scenario 1

Urban / built up - building elevation to highway (small to medium unit elevation

All developments in an urban or built-up area must be set back sufficiently from a highway / public facing boundary to allow sufficient space for planting beds and mature tree canopy spreads to be accommodated, and their associated management and maintenance. Hedgerows will be expected along the boundary. Planted swales as part of a SuDs scheme should be detailed along these boundaries where local conditions permit.

Applies to Any small to medium sized unit elevation facing a highway or public right of way (PROW) in an urban or established industrial/commercial area
Design goal Filtering / assimilation / streetscape enhancement
Minimum solution Robust hedgerow and line of trees
“Rules” X = Height of apparent building elevation (eaves or ridge dependent on design)

Landscape requirements for scenario 1 (to be read in conjunction with section 1-1’ Building elevation to highway)

Height of building (x) Min. height of tree as planted @ Year 1 (A) * Min. width of tree planting bed (B) Min. offset between centre of line of trees and building (C)** Min. distance from centre of line of trees to road (D) Typical spacing of individual trees Min. management strip requirements (E)*** Ultimate height of trees
<5m 2.5m 1.5m 3m 3m 7m 1.0m >10m
5m – 10m 1/2 X* 2m 4m 4m 7m 2.0m >10m
10m – 15m 5m* 3m 5m 5m 7m 3.0m >12m

*This height assumes a level site. If the building is set lower than the boundary/tree planting bed then it may be possible to plant at heights lower than the recommended minimum height of trees, although detailed site sections mustbe submitted to confirm the relationship and screening effect at Year 1.
**If the planting bed is on a slope of steeper than 1:2, a section of the planting bed along with any retaining walls will need to be submitted to ensure that planting canbe successfully achieved.
*** Only required on the highway side, if management cannot be undertaken from the highway side of the boundary – may need to be larger if machinery is needed for maintenance.

Scenario 1 planting considerations

Hedgerow planting will be required along boundaries between the unit and the highway.


All hedges will be expected to be maintained at an ultimate height of 1.8m-2m.
All hedge stock must be planted at 75% of the ultimate height. i.e. for a hedge with an ultimate height of 2m, the hedge plants should be planted at 1.5m tall.


Tree Species Considerations

  • Deciduous or Evergreen
  • Dense Crown to Trees
  • Positive Species for Ecology
  • Appropriate eventual Crown Spread/Form for the space available.
  • Larger Species will be sought. Larger ultimate tree = Larger spacingbetween trees and to building will be required

scenario 2

Urban / rural - meaningful buffer planting to more sensitive land uses (all sizes)

All developments in an urban or rural setting where a meaningful planted screen is required between the building/site and a more sensitive land use, will be expected to demonstrate that sufficient space has been provided to allow for dense tree belt/copse planting beds, and their associated management and maintenance. Planted swales as part of a SuDs scheme should be detailed along these boundaries where local conditions permit.

Applies to Any elevation requiring screening from more sensitive land use or views
Design goal Effective screening
Minimum solution Woodland belt / large copse planting with or without earth bunding/building excavation to reduce visual impact
Location of trees by species / type All larger species trees should be planted within the central third of the planting bed, with woodland edge species towards the outer edges of the planting bed. This is to form a robust and effective layered buffer.
Special considerations In rural or more open areas, enhanced height or depth of screening, might be required to ensure screening from identified key viewpoints (which may be from elevated ground or long-distance views). In all areas, achieving relative height of screening can include a combination of tree planting and earth bunding/retaining walls/ground excavation to lower a building. Bunding maximum gradient is 1:2.
“Rules” X = Height of apparent building elevation (eaves or ridge dependent on design)

Landscape requirements for scenarios 2a and 2b (to be read in conjunction with section 2a-2a’ Adjacent to more sensitive land use and section 2b-2b’ Adjacent to more sensitive land use with bund)

Height of building (x)Min. height of tree as planted @ Year 1 (A) *Min. width of tree planting bed
Min. offset between planting bed and the building
Management strip requirements (E)**Ultimate height of trees
<5m3m3m2/3 X1.0m> X
5m – 10m2/3 X3/4 X2/3 X2.0m> X
10m – 15m7.5m3/4 X2/3 X3.0m> X
>15m ***10m12m10m3.0m> X

*This height assumes a level site. If the building is set lower than the boundary/tree planting bed then it may be possible to plant at heights lower than the recommended minimum height of trees, although detailed site sections must be submitted to confirm the relationship and screening effect at Year 1. May need earth bunding to achieve the minimum height
** Only required where there is land outside the site boundary and in private ownership, if management cannot be undertaken from that side of the boundary
*** Sheds in excess of 15m in height may require greater bed widths than shown above, greater separation from boundaries than shown above and the use of bunding or level changes, depending on local character and anticipated visual impact considerations. Details for such units, specific details of boundary planting will need agreeing with the Local Planning Authority officers.

Scenario 2 Planting considerations

Tree Species Considerations

  • Native Woodland Mix planted to achieve Dense Woodland Effect
  • 2/3 Deciduous 1/3 Evergreen
  • Eventual height of trees should clearly be capable of achieving heights thatprovide full screening after 15 years.

scenario 3

Frontage / car parking between building and boundary (all sizes)

Where a principal frontage or car parking area faces a highway, sufficient space for planting beds and eventual tree canopy spreads need to be accommodated. The essential role of the planting is to create a setting for the building and to soften the effect of a bland/hard car park or frontage area. Hedgerows will be expected along the boundary. Trees should also form part of a planting scheme within the parking area itself. Planted swales as part of a SUDs scheme should be detailed along these boundaries where local conditions permit.

Applies to Any parking or principal frontage area requiring filtering/screening and streetscape enhancement
Design goal Establishing a frame for the site. Softening large areas of hardstanding. Filtering views to the building, whilst allowing
Minimum solution Hedge and line of trees
Special considerations Car parking areas and frontage areas provide separation from built form. This allows the planting of larger stock trees and trees of a larger species type.
“Rules” X = Height of apparent building elevation (eaves or ridge dependent on design)

Landscape requirements for scenario 3 (to be read in conjunction with section 3-3’ Frontage and car park)

Height of building (x) Min. height of tree as planted @ Year 1 (A)  Min. width of tree planting bed (B) * Min. distance from centre of line of trees to road (D) Typical spacing of individual trees (E) Min. management strip requirements (F)** Ultimate height of trees*
<5m 4m 1.5m 3m 7m 1.0m >12m
5m – 10m 4m 2m 4m 7m 2.0m >15m
10m – 15m 5m 3m 5m 7m 3.0m >15m
>15m *** 5m 3m 5m 7m 3.0m >18m

*If the planting bed is on a slope of steeper than 1:2, a section of the planting bedalong with any retaining walls will need to be submitted to ensure that planting canbe successfully achieved.
** Only required on the highway side, if management cannot be undertaken fromthe Highway side of the boundary – May need to be larger if machinery is neededfor maintenance.

Scenario 3 Planting considerations


  • Hedgerow planting will be required along boundaries between the unit and the highway.
  • All hedges will be expected to be maintained at an ultimate height of 1.8m-2m.
  • All hedge stock must be planted at 75% of the ultimate height. i.e. for a hedge with an ultimate height of 2m, the hedge plants should be planted at 1.5m tall.

Tree Species Considerations

  • Deciduous or evergreen
  • Dense crown to trees
  • Positive species for ecology
  • Larger tree species will be expected here given the ability for trees to grow larger above and across car parking areas.
  • Appropriate eventual crown spread/form for the space available.
  • Larger species will be sought. Larger ultimate tree = larger spacing between trees and to building will be required


scenario 4

Service yard on a main frontage, set between building and boundary (all sizes)

Large sites with large servicing areas should be screened with planting. This will typically apply to large service yards and loading areas, fronting onto a public area. The planting solution will often include a combination of hedgerow, copse and individual tree planting to provide both positive streetscape effects and dense screening. Planted swales as part of a SuDs scheme should be detailed along these boundaries where local conditions permit.

Applies toAny service yards or loading areas requiring screening from a frontage, that also has streetscape presence
Design goalEffective screening / filtering / streetscape enhancement
Minimum solutionHedge and line of trees. Denser tree copse planting behind (where meaningful screening is required)
Special considerationsIn urban or heavily developed areas, filtering and streetscape considerations might be relevant (see scenario 3) in addition to achieving a meaningful screening option (see scenario 2)
“Rules” X =Height of apparent building elevation (eaves or ridge dependent on design)

Landscape requirements for scenario 4 (to be read in conjunction with section 4-4’ Screening and streetscape)

Height of building (x)Min. height of tree as planted @ Year 1 (A) Min. width of tree planting bed
(B) *
Min. distance from centre of line of trees to road (D)Typical spacing of individual trees Min. management strip requirements (E)**Ultimate height of trees*
5m – 10m4m5m4m7m2.0m>15m
10m – 15m5m8m5m7m3.0m>15m
>15m ***5m10m5m7m3.0m>18m

*If the planting bed is on a slope of steeper than 1:2, a section of the planting bedalong with any retaining walls will need to be submitted to ensure that planting canbe successfully achieved.
** Only required on the highway side, if management cannot be undertaken from the highway side of the boundary – may need to be larger if machinery is needed for maintenance.

Scenario 3 Planting considerations


  • Hedgerow planting will be required along boundaries between the unit and the highway.
  • All hedges will be expected to be maintained at an ultimate height of 1.8m-2m.
  • All hedge stock must be planted at 75% of the ultimate height. i.e. for a hedge with an ultimate height of 2m, the hedge plants should be planted at 1.5m tall.

Tree Species Considerations

Adjacent to the highway (streetscape):

  • Deciduous or evergreen
  • Dense crown to trees
  • Positive species for ecology
  • Larger tree species will be expected here given the ability for trees to grow larger above and across car parking areas.
  • Should relate to other site frontage areas (see Scenario 1 & 3)
  • Larger species will be sought. Larger ultimate tree = larger spacing between trees and to building will be required

Behind the frontage “streetscape” planting:


  • Native woodland mix planted to achieve dense woodland effect
  • 2/3 deciduous 1/3 evergreen
  • Eventual height of trees should clearly be capable of achieving heights that provide full screening after 15 years
  • Trees of species that will ultimately achieve full screening should be included within the planting mix along the entire boundary length, and should be planted in the central section of the bed.

scenario 5

Large shed elevation to highway (large unit elevation)

All large buildings (15m+ height or with a long elevation) must be set back sufficiently from a highway / public facing boundary to allow sufficient space for effective layered planting beds to achieve a density and robustness to tree planting and to allow eventual tree canopy spreads to be accommodated. Hedgerows will be expected along the boundary. Planted swales as part of a SuDs scheme should be detailed along these boundaries where local conditions permit.

Applies toAny large sized building (15m+ height or with a long elevation) facing a highway or public right of way (PROW)
Design goalScreening / assimilation / streetscape enhancement
Minimum solutionRobust hedgerow and effective depth of tree planting
“Rules” X =Height of apparent building elevation (eaves or ridge dependent on design)

Landscape requirements for scenario 5 (to be read in conjunction with section 5-5’ Large shed to highway)

Height of building (x) Min. height of tree as planted @ Year 1 (A) * Min. width of tree planting bed (B) ** Min. offset between trunks of closest trees and building (C) Min. distance from trunk of closest trees to road (D) Typical spacing of individual frontage trees Min. management strip requirements (E)*** Ultimate height of trees
15m+ **** 5m 7m 5m 5m 7m 1.0m >18m

*This height assumes a level site. If the building is set lower than theboundary/tree planting bed then it may be possible to plant at heights lower thanthe recommended minimum height of trees, although detailed site sections mustbe submitted to confirm the relationship and screening effect at Year 1.
**If the planting bed is on a slope of steeper than 1:2, a section of the planting bed along with any retaining walls will need to be submitted to ensure that planting can be successfully achieved.
*** Only required on the highway side, if management cannot be undertaken from the Highway side of the boundary – May need to be larger if machinery is needed for maintenance.
**** Sheds in excess of 15m in height may require greater bed widths than shown above, greater separation from boundaries than shown above and the use of bunding or level changes, depending on local character and anticipated visual impact considerations. Details for such units, specific details of boundary planting will need agreeing with the Local Planning Authority officers.

Scenario 5 planting considerations


  • Hedgerow planting will be required along boundaries between the unit and the highway
  • All hedges will be expected to be maintained at an ultimate height of 1.8m-2m.
  • All hedge stock must be planted at 75% of the ultimate height. i.e. for a hedge with an ultimate height of 2m, the hedge plants should be planted at 1.5m tall.

Tree Species Considerations

  • Deciduous or evergreen
  • Dense crown to trees
  • Positive species for ecology
  • Appropriate eventual crown spread/form for the space available.

Larger species will be sought. Larger ultimate tree = larger spacing between trees and to building will be required.

Permeable paving options