
Boundaries and Edges

Protecting Existing Landscape

Drainage and SUDs


Gardens and Small Spaces

Management and Maintenance

Layout, parking and public realm

Landscape and Nature

Management and Maintenance


Management and Maintenance

A successful landscape is a product of good quality implementation and good quality management. Implementation may take weeks or months, but for a landscaping scheme to be successful, it must be managed and maintained forever.


Responsibility for Landscape Management can be with:

  • Individuals
  • Private Management Companies
  • Trafford Council

A lack of clarity at an early stage can lead to indecision or conflict and then ultimately the landscape will suffer.


Establishing maintenance responsibility at the design stage is imperative.

Supporting information

The Code requires a plan and method statement, clearly identifying landscape management and maintenance responsibilities, submitted with the planning application.


Details required for Validation of a Planning Application

  • A colour coded and keyed plan clearly identifying zonal management areas broken down by who will ultimately be responsible for managing and maintaining each area.

The specific details of the management procedures and maintenance schedules for all landscaped areas will be required by a planning condition attached to the planning permission.


This will include both hard and soft areas within any scheme.

Permeable paving options