Context, Type, Form and Profile

Plan and Layout


Elevation and Proportion

Materials and Detail

Parking and Garages

Threshold and Boundaries


Thresholds and Boundaries


The space between the building and the public realm provides an opportunity for interaction between neighbours, contributes to a sense of security and creates space for planting. As such, a clearly defined form of defensible space should be provided to all new dwellings. Consideration should also be given to the impact on the public realm.

Boundary treatments should be used to screen the view of cars from the street scene. Applicants will be expected to create consistent and well-designed boundary treatments using in most cases, brick or stone walls and hedge and tree planting behind, the aim being to create beautiful streets, improve security, distinguish between the public and private realm and increase biodiversity.

Features of housing threshold and boundary

  • Robust hard materials used on front boundary
  • Clear definition between public and private domain on front boundary
  • Space for landscaped garden to front of house
  • Landscape used for rear boundary between neighbours
  • Landscape used on front boundary, such as hedges


Front boundaries facing the street or other public realm

Examples of front boundaries

Examples of front boundary

Examples of house front boundaries


Boundaries between rear gardens

Examples of private boundaries between rear gardens

Vertical boarded fence with trellis and climbing plants

Vertical boarded fence with top trellis and climbing plants

Vertical boarded fence, brick piers and climbing plants


Public facing boundaries

Examples of public facing rear boundaries

full brick wall with piers and climbing plants

Brick wall and piers with top trellis and climbing plants

Combination of vertical boarded fence with brick wall and piers 





Historic boundary treatments


House threshold and boundaries case studies

The Gables

by DK Architects for FP Homes The development strikes a balance between achieving a higher density of dwellings with a sense of openness in the

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Trumpington Meadows

Trumpington Meadows by Allies and Morrison for Barratt Homes The award winning project demonstrates the ability for volume housebuilders to create high quality design housing

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Four Beeches, Bowdon

Four Beeches, Bowdon by Calderpeel Architects Inspired by Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s Hill House, Four Beeches is a natural stone, new-build property with a corner turret, steeply

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Longwood, Hale

Longwood, Hale by Calderpeel Architects This property is well proportioned with elegant lines, cedar detailing and large windows; blending well with the established period architecture

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Permeable paving options