Trafford Design Code

Landscape led Vision

Urban Structure

Movement Framework

Mix of Uses

Density and Form

New Places

Landscape Led Vision


The presence and proximity to landscape is important for health and well-being. The creation of high-quality landscapes is vital for development, playing an intrinsic role in establishing a sense of place through the creation of enhanced natural and urban environments. Development should not be quantum led but informed by landscape led placemaking principles.

Features of landscape led neighbourhoods and new places

  • Design a scheme around a landscape framework
  • Consider the purpose of the landscape and cater for different needs and users, whether for wildlife to thrive, for play or for relaxation.
  • Retain existing features and sites of ecological importance in the landscape
  • Views into and out of a site
  • Include green corridors for the movement of people and wildlife, including landscape buffers, linear parks, green streets, back gardens or embankments.


Context and identity



Landscape Led Strategy



Green corridors

Landscape Led Vision case studies

Altrincham Town Centre

by Planit IE and Civic Engineers for Trafford Council The use of consistent and high quality materials harmonise the public realmThis is the space between

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Derwenthorpe by Studio Partington for Joseph Rowntree Foundation Derwenthorpe was one of the first large-scale low carbon communities in northern England. Its ‘green’ heating and

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Acton Gardens

Acton Gardens by Alison Brooks Architects for Countryside Properties This £500m masterplan for the 2600 home, 40-acre regeneration of the South Acton Estate was won by

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Permeable paving options