Trafford Design Code

Landscape led Vision

Urban Structure

Movement Framework

Mix of Uses

Density and Form

New Places

Mix of Uses


Traditionally towns have organically grown around centres of activity, new neighbourhoods should be no different. A range of local services and facilities is required in the right place for communities and neighbourhoods to thrive. Services and facilities should be conveniently located and within walking distance, becoming a new focal point.


Very often the success of a place lies in its ability to be known for a particular activity or mix of uses. The potential to form an identity for a place through its use and/or character should be explored, engaging with local communities where possible.

Codes in this Section

Features of mixed use neighbourhoods and new places

  • Include housing as part of the mix of uses in centres;
  • Use active travel as an organising device when arranging or locating uses.
  • Identify if the proposal relates to an existing character area, if so can this be enhanced or can new elements be added to strengthen its identity or functionality;
  • Locate centres at the convergence of the main movement routes or adjacent to sustainable travel connections;
  • Consider the creation of high quality public space for gathering and events.


Mix of uses

Mixed use new places case studies

Murray’s Mills, Ancoats

Murrays’ Mills, Ancoats by Field Clegg Bradley Studios Originally built in 1798, the industrial complex comprises two parallel 7-8-storey mills linked by a more recognisably

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Wellington Place, Leeds

Wellington Place, Leeds by DLG, Arup, Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios Architects (FCBS), Carey Jones and Gillespies, Martha Schwartz (Landscape) Wellington Place marks an important part

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Egham Gateway

Egham Gateway master plan by Allford Monaham Morris Egham Gateway is a new mixed use development in the Runnymede borough of Surrey. Four mixed use

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London Design District

London Design District by various Design District is London’s first permanent, purpose-built workspace for the creative industries. 16 buildings by eight pioneering architects, one minute

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Permeable paving options